The Yak Hunters 2025 kayak fishing series is currently open for registration.
ALL Entrants must ENSURE they fill out all correct details for the ANGLER competing at the event – at the time of your event registration and payment.
You may select AMATEUR or PRO class for your event.
Please note – the class you select will apply to all events you enter for the 2025 series. You cannot change this class once selected, so make sure you choose the right class!
We have a “Free” entry option – its free to enter!!!! It is generally for first time entrants who would like to participate and are unsure of what the day may be like, and for juniors that want to accompany a parent for a day on the water. Anyone who registers as a “free entry” will not be eligible for any prizes on the day (cash or voucher). Think of it as a ‘Try before you enter’ option. For expressions of interest, please email and we will add you to the competition.
AMATEUR class entry to a single round is $50.
(Designed for entry level competition, Affordable entry with prizes such as vouchers and physical prizes)
PRO class entry to a single round is $80.
(Harder competition, higher cash prizes, less vouchers than the Amateur class)
Each entry into the series gets you the relevant Yak Hunters Kayak Fishing Series sticker for your class (RED or BLUE) for anyone who requires them at the event.
You must display this sticker on your kayak during events at all times.
You are able to use any previous YH brag mat for your series round photo entries.
If you require a Yak Hunters Brag mat with your entry – these are available for an additional cost, when purchasing a ticket to your event.
If you have selected to add a Yak Hunters brag mat to your entry, your brag mat will be posted to you shortly after you have completed your entry registration.
SEASON PASS entries are also available. By purchasing a Season Pass, you will gain access to all 4 events.
Season passes are only available prior to Round 1.
There are no pre-fish bans prior to the upcoming day of your event.
On the day of your event, you may only be on the water at the designated launch time. Disqualification may occur if you are caught fishing prior to your event briefing and launch time.
*NEW* OPEN EVENTS (State Wide)
Brand new to the 2025 series – is the introduction of STATE WIDE Open events! There are 2 x STATE WIDE events for this season, although certain states will have all their events in this format due to staffing availability and entrant numbers.
Some benefits to the State Wide events are:
- Ability to fish multiple locations
- Avoid bad weather / avoid shut down areas and systems
- Less travel to locations and more time fishing
- Fish your favourite location
- Camp out with mates for the weekend and still have the ability to fish the competition!
STATE WIDE events will have a more strict scoring system than the traditional in person events. For these events, You will be required to record a photo of your catch in addition to a short VIDEO of your catch being released, for EACH fish entered.
Your photos and short videos will need to be uploaded to your allocated Angler Dropbox folder by no later than 3pm Sunday the weekend of your event. You will be provided access to your personal Angler Dropbox folder several days prior to your event.
Admin and Judges will then score all online videos for all anglers on the Sunday evening after the competition has closed. Winners and placings will be announced to our Facebook state group pages on the Monday evening following your event weekend!
Placing for each series round will be scored against the relevant points which are as follows:
1st: 100 pts
2nd: 90 pts
3rd: 80 pts
4th: 75 pts
5th: 74 pts
6th: 73 pts
7th: 72 pts
8th: 71 pts
9th: 70 pts
10th: 69 pts
11th: 68 pts
12th: 67 pts
13th: 65 pts
14th: 64 pts
15th: 63 pts
16th: 62 pts
17th: 61 pts
18th: 60 pts
19th: 59 pts
20th: 58 pts
21st onwards:
20 points when registered
20 points if you catch a primary species
Bonus fish of the event: + 10 points (can only be achieved as a one-time score per event)
Points for each round are accumulative – each participated round scored points will add to your total points for the entire series and are relevant to your selected class ONLY (Amateur or Pro)
There may be at times, extra points awarded in some state rounds in the event of a prior event cancellation.
In the event of an event bag limit total score TIE between Anglers, the higher placing will be awarded to the Angler who has the single LARGEST sized scoring fish within their bag limit.
In the event BOTH largest fish are the same size, the placing will be awarded to the angler who caught their fish first.
Only during the final round will a countback system will be used (SEE COUNT BACK SYSTEM BELOW)
Fish are to be measured using any official Yak Hunters issued brag mat. No other brag mats will be accepted.
All fish are to be presented to event admin at the completion of the event at the ‘weight in’
No entries will be accepted after the specified event close time – so please make sure you register all entries prior to this!
Entries are strictly CPR – Catch, Photo, Release.
The use of live wells to transport live fish back to a launch point will not be permitted and will result in those entries being invalid.
No dead fish are to be used in your photo catch entry. Any entries of dead fish will be invalid and may result in disqualification. Any cheating or attempting to cheat will result in instant disqualification.
Ensure your photo entry is legible, accurate, and easy to identify. Judges will thoroughly check each photo entry and will decide on a unanimous score. Judges decisions are final, your brag mat must be flat and wrinkle free, any folds will result in penalties from size deductions through to total disqualification.
Measurements will be taken from nose of fish to the tip of the fish. Your total score for the round will be the total measure length of all your selected bag fish combined, plus any additional bonus points scored within the round.
The nose of the fish must be up against the plastic brag mat stop, and the dorsal in the up position in the photo. (where applicable, subject to change as per species)
Ensure you include your code/tag within the photo so it can be easily identifiable.
If the fish can not clearly be seen at the beginning of the brag mat and where the fish finishes, this may result in the fish not being accepted to your bag for the day.
In addition to the Major Prizes, each event will hold it’s own daily prizes.
Prizes will come in the form of cash, vouchers, items, or a combination of all of the above. Prize breakdowns will be announced prior to the event.
Prizes formed for an event are relevant to a combination of entrant entry fee returns, national sponsor additions and local sponsor additions.
Bonus prizes may also be awarded.
Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 placings at each state event for BOTH AMATEUR class and PRO class.
An additional prize will also be awarded to the entrant who catches the single Largest Bonus species fish on the day.
AMATUER class prize pools consist of physical prizes with no cash prizes.
PRO class prize pools consist mostly of cash prizes with some physical prizes.
In addition to the above prizes;
– STATE champions for each class will be awarded a national prize at the completion of the series.
– NATIONAL champions for each class will be awarded a national prize at the completion of the series.
Some states will only have an Amateur class, this is due to the historical entry levels at that state. This is to help create a better local competition and keep the national scoring system fair.
In the occasion where a single class has LESS than 5 entrants for a daily event, both PRO and AMATEUR classes will be joined at that daily event for the purpose of point scoring for that daily event.
The event will commence under AMATEUR class rules.
Placing will then be awarded to the top 3 entrants for that day event, irrespective of their national registered class
The points for the respective placings will then be awarded to the applicable anglers as an accumulation towards their individual national total points for their REGISTERED series class of either PRO or AMATEUR.
In order to constitute an event, there must be at least 5 registered anglers, and the fishing duration must be for at least 4 hours.
In the event of a joint class prizes will be awarded to the highest ranked placing for your class, YH may also merge the prizes for 1st 2nd and/or 3rd if there are insufficient entries to pay all three placings.
Eg below:
12 registered anglers in Pro class, 3 registered anglers in AM class, all 15 people will compete for AOY points on the day. If the first 5 places are all pro, and the highest ranked amateur
finishes in 6th on the day, they would win the first place prizes in the AM class. They would also get national points scored for 6th place which is 73 points.
Each entry fee break down is allocated to the following components:
– Cash prizes
– Event Administrative and equipment costs
– Event promotional materials
– Brag Mat + Sticker production
– Event Insurance
Entry fees are in most cases, NON-REFUNDABLE.
Only in extreme circumstances, such as event cancellation and/or extreme weather (for which a new date may be nominated), will there be a consideration for a refund.
Any disqualifications from an event will result in a non-refundable entry.
Penalties and/ or Disqualification will be at the discretion of the event judges and marshals.
Penalties and/or Disqualifications may occur in the event of an entrant undertaking any of the following:
– Cheating / attempted cheating.
– Using bait or burley (this is a LURE only competition)
– Any use of dead fish in photos.
– Deliberately hindering the fishing of any other member.
– Transportation of live fish
– Arriving late to specified timings or return timings directed at an event.
– Operating outside of your class rules and permissions.
– Any conduct of activity not in line with the spirit of good sportsmanship and behaviour.
– Any safety breaches (both on and off the water).
– Any member who is found to be intoxicated by alcohol and / or illegal drugs
Event staff reserve the right to check kayaks prior to, during and after any event round takes place.
Event staff and judges may issue penalties and/or disqualifications on any findings that are found to be illegal.
Judges decisions on penalties and disqualifications are final.
CHECK IN AND BRIEFING (In person events)
You MUST check in to your event at the designated briefing area and launch point.
Please find event staff and check in prior to your briefing announcement. You must be in attendance for your event briefing prior to launch.
Please also make event staff aware when you check out or leave – this includes leaving an event early!
In the event of a tie the member with the largest of the fish will be placed in front of the other.
In the event of a series final draw placing, a countback system will take place.
This will mean that the tied entrants scoring from the final round back through events to the first round will be reviewed.
The entrant who has achieved the higher score in the most recent round during a count back will take the higher placing in the series scoring.
All entrants kayaks must be in a safe, operable and serviceable condition.
ELECTRIC motors are ALLOWED for use.
Electric motors must be battery powered – no petrol motors are allowed!
Power limits of electric motors are restricted to the applicable state rules and regulations for powered watercraft within your state.
PFD’s must be worn at all times whilst on the water, and must be serviceable and authorized by national safety standards.
Trolling is permitted for AMATUER and PRO Classes.
Trolling is limited to 1 LINE AT A TIME ONLY – multiple rods trolling at the same time is NOT PERMITTED at any time.
NOTE: Trolling will be defined as any fixed line in the water at any given time whilst the kayak is under intentional movement by the angler.
Angers bag limits will be announced on the morning of the event to all entrants.
This will be decided by local state event staff and are relevant to recent fishing conditions and species dependent.
Please do not intentionally target fish that are protected if they are present within your event location.
There is NO LIMIT to the amount of rods an Angler may carry rigged
Please note, state regulations still apply.
You are only allowed to operate ONE rod at a time – This means only one line may be in the water at any given time.
Crowding is the action where two anglers wish to fish in the same area, as a general guide we ask that you stay at least 2 cast lengths from other anglers and wait for them to move off if you want to fish the area, they are in. Of course, you can still fish with your mate, provided you BOTH agree to nullify the crowding rule. The angler that was in the area first has right of way.
UNDER 18s:
We are pleased to announce that under 18 year old’s can compete in our events, for persons aged between 16 – 18, you will need parental/guardian consent, please contact your local state manager for a consent form. You will need to register for the event and you must inform the local admin team that you are underage. For persons under 16YO, the same applies to you, however, you must also fish with a nominated adult guardian and remain with 5 meters of your nominated guardian at all times. We love our sport, but your safety is our primary concern.
Physical cash will not be held or exchanged at any of the Series rounds.
Prizes and cash allocations will be done as electronic bank transfers, and will usually process within 7 working days of a series event.
If you are a winner – please make sure you provide prompt payment details and make sure they are correct!
Physical prizes and cheques will be presented to winners at the completion of your daily event.
Before entering and participating in any series event, it is the individual angler’s responsibility to ensure they have the appropriate safety equipment as per Australian standards, the relevant licenses, and permits needed to fishing (if required) and that their individual health and ability is sufficient and in order to participate in an event.
Anglers must read and accept the digital Terms and Conditions PRIOR to purchasing an event entry or season pass.
The Liability waiver has been accepted by yourself digitally upon online registration and payment of your round entry. This is a condition of entry. By purchasing any event entry, you hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as described within the Liability Waiver.
Event staff may at random, check anglers on the morning of an event and have the right to refuse entry to any angler who is non-compliant with these requirements.
Any Angler that appears intoxicated or under the influence of any substances at any event may be refused entry and/or disqualified.
Your life jacket / PFD MUST comply with the Australian safety standards.
Yak Hunters will endeavour to ensure additional safety measures are in place at each event.
This will include a safety brief to all entrants prior to each event, a safety boat (where applicable) and a trained first-aider at each event (where possible), in addition to working mobile phones and a vehicle for safety purposes. Each Angler should have a means of communication to be carried on their persons AT ALL TIMES.
Please ensure your mobile devices are FULLY charged prior to commencing your event.
Event staff will make determinations of weather conditions prior to and on the day of an event, and reserve the right to cancel or postpone an event if adverse weather conditions arise. This is due to safety reasons for all anglers and event staff.
The Yak Hunters 2025 KAYAK FISHING SERIES is designed for all anglers at any skill level to participate in a FUN and SOCIAL event, whilst partaking in a form of FRIENDLY competition.
We encourage all members to remember this and have FUN on the day and during the series.
Please remain RESPECTFUL at all times to all other anglers and staff, and remain safe out on the water whilst having a good time and making the most of an all-inclusive series!
All decisions by Admin are final and admin will use discretion on an “as needs” basis, should there be an issue that is not outlined by the rules and regulations.
In the rare event of a declaration of a pandemic, Yak Hunters Kayak Fishing Series may at times, negate ANY group gatherings and close physical contact for the entire duration of the event due to relevant COVID-19 restrictions and requirements.
This will be announced on a case by case basis and is based on current state and area restrictions – this will be announced prior to your event and updated as conditions or restrictions change. Please keep an eye on this information.
If restrictions are in place at your event, please adhere to these at all times.
DO NOT attend if you are feeling sick or unwell, or have recently been in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
For any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
We look forward to welcoming you at your event!